Chairman Shujie Liu was invited to share a topic report: Rapid Biochemical Wastewater Treatment Series Technologies for Qingyan Environment
LOADING... DATE:2024年01月30日
Invited by the E20 Environmental Business School, Shujie Liu, Chairman of Qingyan Environment, participated in a series of online activities and shared with participants the theme of "Introduction to Rapid Biochemical Wastewater Treatment Series Technologies for Qingyan Environment".
First of all, through a detailed introduction to RPIR technology, Mrs. Liu showed the audience the process of Qingyan Environment equipping an innovative technology and forming an innovative equipment process package to provide customers with high-value services. RPIR technology has evolved from an idea to a scientific research project and then to the industrialization of the technology. It has now been used  in      new construction, upgrading and expansion of municipal sewage treatment plants,In-situ remediation of river and lake water environment as well as source control and pollution interception,linkage treatment of detention tank and municipal sewage,rural sewage treatment,high-concentration organic wastewater treatment,and industrial wastewater treatment. Up to now, the Company’s business has expanded to more than 20 provinces, and the total daily sewage treatment capacity is more than 3 million m³.

Shenzhen Guanlan Estuary Detention Tank Initial Light Rain Water Treatment Facility Upgrading and Reconstruction Project
150,000 m³/d (dry season); 250,000 m³/d (rainy season)
quasi-class IV surface water standard (dry season); quasi-class V surface water standard (rainy season)
Shenzhen Nanshan Water Purification Plant Complete System Upgrading Project
176,000 m³/d
First Grade A

Mrs. Liu shared some of thoughts on the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem. Mrs. Liu believes that technological development in today’s world points to endless frontiers, and there is great potential for promoting the sustainable development of mankind. “Demand-pull, value-oriented, technology-driven” would provide a good environment for innovation and entrepreneurship ecology. The most critical factor is to have deep insights and efficient execution. In terms of in-depth insights, Qingyan Environment seeks differentiated market competitive advantages through technological innovation, and achieves cognitive breakthroughs through continuous learning and practice, to establish the company's core competitiveness. At the same time, the company adopts the iron triangle model of "product-sales-delivery" to strive to create efficient execution, and enhance customers full life cycle experience, to achieve efficient operations and sustainable growth of the company.

In addition, Qingyan Environment seeks special solutions around the needs of the large market. In response to the needs of fast start-up, low cost and simple operation of low-pollution sewage, Qingyan Environment has also launched the T-Bic series of rapid biochemical technologies and equipment. Some products have been Entering the market promotion period, good application feedback has been obtained.


RPSR all-in-one machine


T-Bic biological floating island


T-Bic bio-purification tank
During the question and answer session, the audience in the live broadcast room had a lively discussion on Qingyan Environmental’s rapid biochemical sewage treatment series technology and strategies and concepts. Mrs. Liu answered the questions and said : welcome  everyone to come to Qingyan Environment for inspection, and we hope to attract more partners through a sound value sharing mechanism and good market reputation to jointly promote the development of my country's environmental protection industry.