Professor Glen T. Daigger, academician of the American Academy of Engineering, was invited to attend the Qingyan Environmental Wastewater Treatment New Technology Discussion Salon
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On the afternoon of November 4, 2023, New Wastewater Treatment Technology Discussion Salon named “Tracking Academic Frontier Trends and Insights into Industrial Development Trends” was successfully held in the multi-functional hall on the second floor of the Research Institute of Tsinghua University in Shenzhen.

Glen T. Daigger, a world-renowned sewage treatment expert, former chairman of IWA, academician of the American Academy of Engineering, foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and professor of the University of Michigan, was invited to participate in this salon and delivered a keynote speech. Also, Dr. Liao Zuliang ,the Advanced Project Development Department of the Norwegian Cambi Group was responsible for accompanied him.

Liu Shujie, Chairman and General Manager of Qingyan Environmental Technology Co., Ltd., Chen Fuming, a foreign academician of the Russian Academy of Engineering and the company's chief scientist, Liu Xu, deputy general manager, Shi Xuchuan, deputy general manager, Dr. Wang Siqi, deputy director of Qingyan Environmental Research Institute, and the R&D, technology, engineering and other departments representatives participated, and Yu Bidong, assistant to the general manager, served as the host and translator of the meeting.

Professor Daigger and his entourage first came to the company's exhibition hall. Mr. Yu gave a brief introduction to our company's development history, core strategy and core technology system. Professor Daigger highly affirmed and appreciated the rapid development of Qingyan Environment from its establishment in 2014 to its listing in 2022.

Subsequently, the company held discussions and exchanges with Professor Daigger. Mrs. Liu warmly welcomed the arrival of him , and expressed his high respect for his outstanding contribution to promoting the green development of global water resources.

And then, professor Daigger delivered a speech entitled "Paths of Innovation and Technological Progress in the Wastewater Treatment Industry under the Dual carbon policy ". He said: The concept of source separation in sewage treatment is an important development direction for the future development of sewage treatment technology and management systems. In the design centralized high-rise buildings, adding a classified collection pipe network system could realize the classified collection and treatment of black water, yellow water, gray water, and kitchen drainage. The separation, concentration, separate treatment and resource utilization of urine containing high ammonia nitrogen and high phosphorus could significantly reduce the denitrification load of existing municipal sewage plants, as well as the environmental risks of PPCPs, endocrine disruptors, etc. The separation and recycling of black water is conducive to reducing the processing load of organic matter and realizing the recovery of energy and resources in organic matter. The separation and treatment of gray water could effectively increase the proportion of sewage reuse. These measures and related technologies would fundamentally reduce carbon emissions in the field of sewage treatment. There is still huge room for development in the future, and it is also very feasible in terms of economic accounting.

Professor Daigger also focused on the principles and application prospects of emerging sewage treatment technologies such as MABR. He emphasized that future sewage treatment systems should focus on the contribution of the treatment process to the reduction of the greenhouse gas N2O (its greenhouse gas effect is 300 times higher than that of CO2) , low N2O release sewage treatment technology is of great significance to slow down global climate warming, and would have broad market opportunities in the future.
Professor Daigger's speech was far-reaching and scientifically rigorous. During the interactive session, he also had in-depth discussions with the participants.

Professor Chen Fuming delivered a speech titled "RPIR Rapid Biochemical Technology Based on Activated Sludge Process". He elaborated on RPIR technology from the perspectives of its principles, structural design, process optimization, application scenarios and innovative products that are continuously updated and iterated. The process of single-click penetration also explains the connotation of Qingyan environmental strategic ecological map as an example of successful industrialization of RPIR technology.

Dr. Wang Siqi, reported the "T-Bic rapid biochemical technology and its application based on biofilm method" from the perspectives of research principles, product series, application scenarios and applications in rapid biochemical wetlands. Professor Daigger expressed his appreciation for this and recommended outstanding companies in the industry for us to learn from.
Dr. Shi Xuchuan focused on the engineering needs of high-efficiency anaerobic ammonium oxidation denitrification technology in the field of high-concentration ammonia nitrogen wastewater. He gave a detailed report on the principles and applications of oxygen-limited RPIR rapid denitrification technology, and had in-depth exchanges with participants about future technologies. Professor Daigger also pointed out that there are currently more than 200 cases in operation around the world, and that the core of anaerobic ammonium oxidation technology lies in stable control and operation rather than blindly improving efficiency. If a reactor or control method with stable operation could be developed, it has great application prospects at home and abroad.

Finally, Professor Daigger said that Qingyan Environment has achieved amazing growth and success so far. At present, it has also reserved its own unique technology, talents and innovative organizations, and provides customers with special solutions under the big market demand. Regarding the future, the professor said that Qingyan Environment should move into the deep water area of core technologies and strive to find breakthrough points as soon as possible for technologies with huge short-term and long-term market opportunities - aerobic granular sludge would have huge business opportunities in the short term, and anaerobic ammonium oxidation technology would have huge business opportunities. Moreover, the sewage treatment technology aim to solve N2O would play a very important role in solving global climate warming. In addition, He hoped that Qingyan Environment would follow its competitors, grasp trends, and follow the trend when expanding its business in overseas markets.

In the summary, Chairman Liu Shujie said: Qingyan Environment has always been committed to the research and development and industrialization of innovative water treatment technology, with the goal of energy saving and carbon reduction development. The company’s development philosophy is consistent with Professor Daigger’s academic philosophy and One Water Solutions business. In the future, I hope to continue to communicate, learn and cooperate with the academicians and his team to achieve breakthroughs in key points such as aerobic granular sludge and N2O reduction in the sewage treatment industry, and make our own contribution to the realization of China's "double carbon goals" and the sustainable development of mankind.